Reflections On Our 2021 Graduation

After 15 long months away,
I had the joy and privilege of returning to Belize to celebrate 48 PathLight students who received either their High School diploma, vocational program certificate, or tertiary Associate degree.
This was PathLight’s eighth graduation celebration, held Saturday, June 5th, at LifeNet Church in Belmopan. PathLight received special permission from the Belize Ministry of Health to hold this event, with 170 persons in attendance.
The church sanctuary was filled with proud parents and family members eager to cheer on the success of their son or daughter, many of whom were the very first in their family to complete and reach this level of academic success. And, many of our graduates were among the top five in their respective class.
Special greetings were given by PathLight Belize Executive Director Mrs. Adele Catzim and PathLight Board member Elvira Mendes.
Each student shared a pre-recorded video thanking their PathLight sponsor for their support. The valedictorian speeches given by Ada Campos and Artisha Bowen were remarkable. Both young ladies entered the PathLight S+ program four years ago as very shy and slightly withdrawn. Both have transformed into confident and articulate young women, demonstrating wisdom beyond their years and a wit that is both impressive and engaging.
I had the privilege of giving the closing prayer of blessing for our newest graduates. As all stood, those in attendance reached out their hands in unity to ask God to guide, protect, and use these incredible PathLight students to be agents of transformation and change in their families, their communities, and for the nation of Belize.
The event was videotaped in its entirety by PathLight partner Feste Films. A shorter highlights video will be made available on our website by the end of June.
Also in attendance were special guests and leadership from new PathLight partners Niteo Tours. Niteo’s motto is, “Vacations that do a world of good.” In the coming months, look for more information on how PathLight and Niteo are putting together opportunities for you to visit and enjoy the beautiful country of Belize and see the work of PathLight firsthand.
The annual PathLight graduation celebration is an event you will want to see in person. We welcome you to join us next year to celebrate the latest class of PathLight students launching out into a bright and hope-filled future.
Roger Dermody
President, PathLight International