Give her a sponsorship and she’ll give it her all.

Because education is her surest path out of poverty.

For just $45 you can make a path to graduation for her.

$45 makes you part of a team building a bridge to graduation.

PathLight applicants are hand-selected by our team for their motivation to go the distance to graduation.

Six donors contributing $45 monthly fully funds her sponsorship.

You invest the money and she’ll invest her time; this is how we’ll get her to graduation and beyond.

Invest in one of the scholars our team has chosen for their grit and drive.

A full PathLight student sponsorship includes annual tuition, uniforms, books, spiritual development and character formation, tutoring, and extracurricular activities.

Looking to fully sponsor a student and become a PathMaker? Thank you; click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Three Ways:

PathMakers: A PathMaker underwrites a full sponsorship of a PathLight student.
Cost: $3000 annually

BridgeBuilders: Six BridgeBuilder sponsors contribute to the full sponsorship of a PathLight student.
Cost: $45/month

One-time donation of any amount.

A full sponsorship annually covers the student’s tuition, uniforms, books, school supplies, hot lunch, transportation, tutoring, and over 400 hours of mentoring, leadership development, and Christian character formation.

Each school year, students from across Belize apply for PathLight sponsorships. This process includes student essays, teacher recommendations, family financial information, assessment testing, grade reports, scores on national standardized testing, and a formal in-person interview.

PathLight searches for those students who demonstrate the highest potential for academic success, and have the least financial means to realize their dreams.

Ready to give hope and a future?

Become a BridgeBuilder or a PathMaker and help forge a new future for an entire generation of students in Belize.