Grateful for Recent Gifts
The work of PathLight is done in partnership. We partner with teachers in Belize. We partner with the Ministry of Education. We partner with other NGO’s. And, we partner with donors like you. Together, we empower children in Belize to receive a quality education, break free from poverty, and reach their God-given potential.

Recently, we received several very generous gifts from three of our foundation partners.
For the second year in a row, the Quest Foundation awarded a matching pledge gift of over $33,000 to help cover the first-year costs of new students brought into our Sponsorship+ program this Fall. Of the 60 new sponsorships offered, these funds, together with a tremendous response from our existing donors, helped identify new sponsors for 42 of the students, with the remaining 18 now named as “Quest Scholars.”
For the sixth year in a row, the Dana Beck Fancher Foundation (DBF) provided a very generous gift to PathLight. This current $25,000 grant provides needed support for older students who had lost their sponsor for one reason or another during the Covid pandemic. These 23 students are now known as “Fancher Scholars.”
Finally, we were overwhelmed by the extremely generous donations made by a new family foundation who joined us in Belize last June for our graduation celebration. This family provided a $55,000 gift to support both our Leadership Initiative and our Spiritual Formation and Character Development work. They also made a $100,000 two-for-one challenge matching pledge towards the opening of a new PathLight Center next year. This new Center will be located in Orange Walk, the third most populous District in Belize. It will host our teacher education center, and it will offer our daily after-school sponsorship+ programming to the students of Orange Walk.
Thus far, we have raised $22,500 towards the goal of $50,000 which will unlock this major matching challenge gift. If you would like to partner with us in meeting this challenge goal, you can do so by making a gift of any amount at and indicate Orange Walk Challenge in the subject line.
I am so grateful for the generosity of Quest, DBF, and our newest family foundation. And, I am so grateful for the generosity of so many of you. Together, we are truly changing lives in Belize. Thank you!