and the surest path to transforming a country.

In Belize, free education ends around age 12, and 50% of kids live below the poverty level, effectively halting half of Belizean students’ education in its tracks.

Knowing that education is the surest path out of poverty, we’ve made a path to high school for thousands of children since 2007. 

And those thousands of kids have become thriving adults who are transforming their country.

PathLight students are hand-selected by our team for their drive, character and teacher recommendations. Each student receives 400 hours of tutoring per year, internship opportunities and leadership training.

Sponsored students are each paired with a Belizean mentor who significantly invests in the spiritual and moral growth of her student. PathLight mentors cheer their students on from the sidelines, attend their musical performances, check in on their families, and help with college applications.

In addition to student sponsorships, mentoring and tutoring, PathLight offers teachers who lack formal training additional professional development at our Academy 19, so their students can have a rigorous educational experience and be adequately prepared for higher education.

Our program has been recognized as so effective that the Government of Belize, the Organization of the American States, UNICEF, the University of Belize and the US State Department have all partnered with and supported our work.

Together with you, we are making a sure path to hope and future for the kids and families of Belize. Transforming them and their country one sponsorship at a time.