
Earl did well in his first year of high school and is excited to have overcome some personal challenges along the way.

Earl started off his first year of high school on a strong footing. He was determined to be on the honor roll by the end of his first year, and he reached his goal. Earl’s strongest subjects were English and social studies. He struggled a bit in Technical Drawing; he mentioned that he just needed a little more practice with some of the drawings.

Earl’s teachers describe him as a very hard-working young man. During his free time, Earl enjoys playing basketball and video games. His dream is to become a dentist or a pilot so that he can help children in his community take care of their teeth and take people to amazing places they can visit.

He expressed that he is excited to return to school because he is looking forward to doing even better academically this year.

Details about Earl

Date of Birth: 2 September

High School: Edward P. Yorke High school

Grade Level: 10th Grade

PathLight Center: Belize City

Mother’s Occupation: Call Center Manager

Father’s Occupation: Delivery Man