Read the note from Roy Goble,
author of Junkyard Wisdom

Hey, Junkyard Wisdom™ friends, thanks for taking this short detour to check out the Father’s Day special!

Two cool things at once here. Donate $34 to become one of the PathLight Bridgebuilders, and I’ll send you a copy of my book Salvaged: Leadership Lessons Pulled From the Junkyard. You can give the book to your dad for Father’s Day, and you’ll help a student continue their education. Win-win-win!

To be sure it arrives in time for Father’s Day, we need to hear from you no later than June 13

Thanks! And as my dad used to say, “Acta non verba.” It was the motto of the military academy he attended, but you’ll have to grab a copy of Salvaged to find out what it means to him.