2023 Holiday Campaign

Our goal this Holiday season is to raise $200,000 that will fund our new students this coming year, providing them with not just an education, but wraparound academic and spiritual support from talented mentors. Your gift is helping us transform the country of Belize.

Give a Gift that Matters

Merit’s story is just one of hundreds of PathLight students who have a story to tell because our PathMakers, BridgeBuilders, and donors have graciously invested in their future. This Holiday season, we invite you to help be a part of the next student’s story.

A PathLight sponsorship has an incredible impact on a student’s life. It is far more than a monetary donation; it’s a life-changing investment in a child’s (and even a community’s) future. We are helping students hope and dream about the possibilities of achieving what most children in Belize don’t think is possible. Together, we are empowering education and building bright beginnings!