Core Values

The board and staff of PathLight International embrace and affirm these core values:

PathLight values Christ. This is the guiding value that energizes our mission as it sustains our work. All of PathLight – our programs, our staff, our relationships, our very purpose – should reflect the redemptive love of Christ and the grace shown to us through Jesus Christ, which will infuse the ministry with vision, energy, and lasting impact.

PathLight values service with humility, showing dignity and gratitude to all. PathLight seeks to serve the children, families and communities that need educational resources; but also the staff, the donors, and the volunteers who sustain the organization.

PathLight values relationships, which includes individual personal relationships and strategic partnerships with churches, nonprofits, and businesses within the local, regional, and national communities where it works, as well as within the larger global community of churches, academic institutions, government agencies, and likeminded nonprofit organizations.

PathLight values being part of the global community of Christ and seeks to embody this diverse blend of cultures, histories, and perspectives within its leadership, staff, and volunteers. Through this we believe the redemptive power of Christ will manifest itself more fully in our work.

PathLight values listening to communities where we work, including youth, in developing, implementing, and managing its programs. This, along with seeking guidance from local and national partners, helps to ensure indigenous leadership is in the forefront of positive change in the community.

PathLight values adaptability and embraces an entrepreneurial approach to problem solving. The challenges facing the world require innovation and the recognition that being teachable is key to long-term success. PathLight embraces a pattern of strategic planning, action, evaluation, and improvement in our programs.

PathLight values excellence because God values excellence. Everything we do is meant to reflect quality and is purposefully evaluated and improved upon in order to achieve our vision. As we strive to inspire hope in children, we reflect God’s grace within our staff and to our students and partners by acknowledging that there will be failures, forgiving ourselves and others, and moving forward to live out our values more fully.